Committed to creating

a positive impact


Our CSR policy is based on the following 3 key areas:

People: cultivate commitment and encourage talent development
The first pillar in our strategy, this theme incorporates both working conditions and the development of skills and expertise. An internal survey is carried out every two years to monitor these subjects.
Striving for environmental excellence
We are convinced that respect for tradition and expertise is compatible with innovation, as long as it promotes the sustainable use of resources and the preservation of biodiversity. This is why an organic certification process has been launched for 65% of our vineyards.
Territorial roots and local responsibility
As a family-run business on a human scale, the Bollinger Group cultivates its local roots by pursuing a policy of social action, the next highlight of which will be the inauguration of the Madame Bollinger Foundation in 2023. The Madame Bollinger Foundation has the mission of “Taking care of People and the Land”. The foundation aims to take concrete action in favour of social and professional integration, with priority given to vulnerable people and the preservation of the environment, particularly in the areas where the Bollinger Group companies are located. La Fondation d’Entreprise Madame Bollinger a pour mission de « Prendre soin des Hommes et de la Terre ». Elle souhaite ainsi agir de manière concrète en faveur de l’insertion socio-professionnelle, en priorité auprès des personnes vulnérables et de la préservation de l’environnement, notamment sur les territoires d’implantation des maisons du Groupe Bollinger.
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